Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Great Grandpa Burm

Cayden checking out the boats using Great Grandpa as a stepping stool!

Abby and Nama

These pictures were taken within the week of the following "Fall" pictures. Shorts/short sleeves and then winter hats and mittens... We love Superior!

Fall is here...

Not only are we busy getting ready for Baby Girl Manion we are also getting ready for fall...

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Mommy's Relaxing vacation

I took one final hurrah vacation by myself over the Labor Day weekend (how appropriate?) before we have Baby Manion #2. I went and stayed with Andi, Matt, and the Kids. While I was gone Cayden played for 5 days with his Daddy! They went to the aquarium, the cabin, and some super secret places they only know! Here are some highlights...

Big boy words...

In the last month Cayden has been talking up a storm. Uncle Matt asked if we had any of it on camera which made me realize we didn't. Here's a start... I will update this again because I wasn't ready for him to cooperate as much as he did and couldn't think of the words fast enough!

Also, notice the new shirt- That's an Auntie Andi score!!!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Poop in the Potty?!

We had a first today! It wasn't the glamorous "let's teach Cayden about the potty..." it just sort of happened but we'll take it! He didn't get scared and thought the whole ordeal was pretty cool. It started in the tub... and we'll just leave it at that!

I'm not even sure this is normal to post... but that's probably the cutest little tird ever!?